Situated in Low Fell, Gateshead, Wesley Memorial is a lively Methodist Church. We meet for worship at 10:30am every Sunday alongside our Younger Church, as well as providing facilities to bring the community together. 

Fell’s Angels WI

Fell’s Angels WI

Fell’s Angels WI has been going now for over Five Years and membership has steadily grown. We have been looking for a larger venue to hold our meetings and were delighted when Wesley Memorial Church were able to offer us a room on the second Thursday of the Month.

We are launching our first face to face meeting since the pandemic began meeting on the 11/11/21 and are very much looking forward to it. As a mark of the start of our new venture with Wesley church we thought it would be nice to do something and as it is Armistice Day on our first meeting.

Many of our members got together and started knitting and making poppies and painting stones to commemorate Remembrance Day. We were delighted when the Church said they would be happy for us to display our work so that both they and the wider Community could enjoy it and remind them of the importance of the day lest we forget. Thank you to Bill Coates who erected the display for us.

Photos by E Hulland

Words from Bede Circuit

Words from Bede Circuit

Words from Bede Circuit

Words from Bede Circuit